Application of geoinformatical and biochemical approaches for analysis of honey bee colony losses

RNDr. Jan Brus, Ph.D.
Odborný asistent
Doba řešení: 2017 - 2018 | Zdroj financování: AKTION

Thanks to the cooperation initiated by AKTION we were able to quantify honey bee colony losses in a comparable manner in the Czech Republic and in Austria in last three years. The project generates unique data and knowledge for both countries. The data of the year 2016 was incorporated in a scientific publication that is currently in press (Brodschneider et al., in press). We will continue with monitoring of honey bee colony losses in both countries, and again, obtained data will, next to own analysis, be provided to the association COLOSS for European analysis. On the Czech-Austrian level we will follow the previous ideas – to calculate the economic impact of losses and honey bee immunity research. This year additionally includes the geoinformatical analysis of collected data. We also include exchange laboratory know-how and education of students in our research cooperation