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Creation of subtropical greenhouse plan for the Flora Exhibition Grounds using GIS


This paper describes a cartographical and GIS work on a poster for the subtropical greenhouse. The subtropical greenhouse is part of a collection of greenhouses in Olomouc that are located in the centre of the city (Czech Republic) near Smetana Park. An overall plan exists for the collection of greenhouses and botanical gardens in the area. We have created a poster regarding the subtropical greenhouse plan (Appendix 1). Partial plan for the subtropical greenhouse shows the detailed positions of approximately 120 plants. This plan is central information on the big presented poster (format A0). Plans arose from the cooperation of cartographers and botanists using Geographic Information System (GIS). All digital maps and plans were created using ArcGIS software after punctual measure in the field. Beside text information on the poster, there are pictures of selected plants. They are accompanied with maps of their native range. The maps of the native range are original cartographical part of the same authors. The poster also contains an old proposal for the subtropical greenhouse, which was created by a leading garden architect, I. Otruba, in 1991 before construction of the greenhouse.
The book regarding species in subtropical greenhouses was issued in 2013. It contains descriptions of 33 select species. The exposition represents mainly Mediterranean flora. Each species is described with text and includes illustrations of fruits, leafs, flowers, and habitus. Maps of the native ranges of each species are an original important part of the book. Greenhouses are open to the public, and students from Palacky University participate in botany and environmental lectures there. The visitors are tended to be intrigued by the astonishing variety of subtropical plants.