Department of Geoinformatics is a collective member of the Czech Association for Geoinformation (



Department of Geoinformatics is one of the most important cartographic institutions in the Czech Republic. Major cartographic activities of the Czech Republic, the competition provides an organizational map of Children’s Drawing Contest and Barbara Petchenik. The soil holds its annual day of Cartography and in 2009 will host the 18th cartographic conference. (



Geoinformatics Department works closely with the Czech geographic society and is the seat of the Section of Cartography and GIS (



Geoinformatics Department works closely with the Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (



Department of Geoinformatics is actively involved in a number of events of the International Cartographic Association and is represented on the Commission for national and regional atlases. (



Geoinformatics Department supports the work of the International Geographical Union and is represented on the Commission for Geographical Information Systems.



Department of Geoinformatics is in close contact with the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics (



Department of Geoinformatics is a member of AGILE (



osgeoDepartment of Geoinformatics is the 100th member of ICA-OSgeo (
