Identification of barriers in the process of communication of spatial socio-demographic information

Doba řešení: 2023 - 2025 | Zdroj financování: GAČR
The most efficient way to communicate spatial information is through visualization using maps, but the effectiveness of these maps is dependent on the visualization methods used. The process of interpreting static maps is already well-understood; with the development of new technology, advanced interactive approaches which have not yet been sufficiently verified are emerging. To streamline the cartographic communication process, it is necessary to investigate the impact of interactive geovisualization methods on users. It is key to verify the effectiveness of the flow of information between the author of visualization and its users in social disciplines like sociology and demography. Barriers disrupting this process and leading to the loss of information will be identified by qualitative testing. Subsequently, a quantitative approach will be used to verify the existence of these barriers on large populations. The results will help to uncover the mechanisms of the cartographic communication process.

Analysis, modelling, and visualization of spatial phenomena by geoinformation technologies

Doba řešení: 2022 - 2023 | Zdroj financování: IGA - Internal project of Palacký University (IGA_PrF_2022_027)

The project focuses on the application of selected geoinformation technologies and methods for spatial analysis, modelling and visualisation of real-world phenomena.

The project is divided into two main key activities that correspond to the dissertations being addressed:

KA 1 Advanced geovisualization methods and evaluation of cartographic products,

KA 2 Advanced spatial analysis and modelling of socioeconomic phenomena and landscape systems.

Data mining and analyzing of urban structures as contribution to European Union studies

Doba řešení: 2020 - 2023 | Zdroj financování: ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Module, Project No. 620791-EPP-1-2020-1-CZ-EPPJMO-MODULE | Web projektu

The aim of the project is the innovation of two courses of master studies of Geoinformatics and Cartography at Palacký University in Olomouc. The innovated topics are about processing European Union digital data by Data Mining, statistics and spatial analysis methods. The courses are KGI/DATAM Data Mining and KGI/POGEO  Advanced Processing of Geodata.

Advanced monitoring, spatial analysis and visualization of urban landscape

Doba řešení: 2016 - 2017 | Zdroj financování: Internal grant agency, Palacký University | Web projektu

During the last 60 years, cities have undergone rapid growth tightly related to unrestrained exploitation of space, which has brought numerous problems. Regulation of urban development is being attended by various institutions differently, on various levels of state and self-administration, usually by means of urban planning. Planning usually takes into account the current and previous state of a landscape to predict possible states in the future.

This project is focused on a combination of remote methods of data collection (remote sensing) and their subsequent spatial analysis and advanced geovisualization using web applications and 3D printing to provide better results for the management of the urban landscape.

The main goal of the project is to use the methods mentioned in the previous paragraph to identify, quantify and analyze particular changes of urban and suburban space that took place in the past three decades (1985–2015) in selected cities in Europe.

Five cities were chosen in Middle Eastern European Countries (former Communist Bloc) for the project.