Doctoral study programme Geography – specialization Geoinformatics and Cartography is focused on main theoretical disciplines in various branches of geoinformatics and cartography (informatics, database systems, mathematical analysis, geostatistics, modelling, etc.).

The themes of the doctoral thesis include questions of application of geoinformatics technologies (GIS, remote sensing, GPS, computer cartography), theoretical aspects of cartographic semiotics in analogue and digital cartographic products and aspects of atlas production.

Aim of study

The main aim of the doctoral study is to prepare highly qualified scientists for expert and scientific work in several specializations of geoinformatics and cartography.

Forms of study

The study is offered in full-time or combined form. The period of study is usually 4 years in both forms. Ph.D. study application guide and brief descriptions of common study activities are on faculty web pages.

Council board

  • prof. Dr. Vít Voženílek, Palacky University Olomouc – chair
  • assoc. prof. Dr. Vilém Pechanec, Palacky University Olomouc
  • assoc. prof. Dr. Zdena Dobešová, Palacky University Olomouc
  • assoc. prof. Dr. Jan Burian, Palacky University Olomouc
  • prof. Dr. Radim Bělohlávek, Palacky University Olomouc
  • prof. Dr. Karel Hron, Palacky University Olomouc
  • prof. Dr. Radomír Halaš, Palacky University Olomouc
  • prof. Dr. Ján Tuček, Technical University Zvolen
  • prof. Dr. Jiří Horák, VSB-Technical University Ostrava
  • prof. Dr. Petr Kubíček, Masaryk University, Brno
  • prof. Dr. Václev Talhofer, University of Defence, Brno
  • prof. Dr. Jakub Langhammer, Charles University, Prague
  • prof. Dr. Jaroslav Hofierka, University of Košice

Doctoral thesis

  • Prof. Dr. Vít VOŽENÍLEK
    • Managing diverse data sources for complex visualization of urban areas
    • The thesis aim is to identify all data sources of the selected urban area, to integrate its data in the most suitable environment for remote data management and to prepare them for all-embracing visualization. The thesis will result in innovative knowledge about data management for comprehensive cartographic production. The main outputs will consist of the analysis of data sources, data model, templates for cartographic visualization and map outputs in printed and digital form.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zdena DOBEŠOVÁ
    • Spatial evaluation of walkability
    • The structure and layout of the urban environment significantly affect the walkability of the population. The automatic processing of spatial data in GIS enables the assessment of the level of walkability. Different views and possibilities of automatic spatial data processing will be the aim of the dissertation research.
    • Visual programming for spatial data processing
    • Visual programming in GIS is a straightforward method of designing spatial data processing workflows in a graphical form.  The aim of the work is a research of cognition and functional aspects of visual languages. Improvements in graphical notation and functionality of visual languages have the potential for wider usability of workflows in GIS.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jaroslav BURIAN
    • Urban Simulation Models and their Applications in Spatial Planning
    • The aim of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of the application of selected urban simulation models in spatial planning. The work will focus mainly on selected microsimulation model(s) enabling prediction of selected aspects of urban systems (e.g. land prices, jobs, household distribution or population movement). A significant part of the work will be devoted to the preparation of suitable datasets that are difficult to obtain in many countries or are available in insufficient detail. Advanced possibilities of spatial data collection and processing including aggregation and disaggregation procedures will be used for this purpose. With respect to the selected model(s) and the selected area, several case studies will be conducted to elaborate on the possibilities of the application of micro-simulation modeling in spatial planning.
    • Spatial continuity of statistical data in cross-border areas
    • The aim of this thesis is to focus on the spatial continuity of selected social and economic phenomena in cross-border areas. The work will focus mainly on the identification and analysis of spatial patterns using advanced statistical and geoinformation methods. For this purpose, a tool (e.g. script, model, extension) will be created to allow for automatic evaluation of continuity, clusters, differences and spatial patterns. An important part of the work will be the selection and processing of appropriate datasets, which vary from country to country in detail, timeliness, method of processing and their availability. The work will be solved with an emphasis on the Czech borderland with the potential of transfer of acquired knowledge and all cross-border areas in Europe.

Study plans and list of courses

The study is carried out by individual study plan, which compiles trainer and approves the Specialist Board. The study (see Dean’s directive FS UP) consists of 8+4 courses and examination of the English language in the credit system (240 credits for whole doctoral study). Reports on professional seminars and conferences, publications and preparing a dissertation are expected. The study is finished by the state examination and a doctoral thesis defence.

Compulsory courses (164 credits)

  • KGI/PGDP1 – KGI/PGDP8 – 8 courses concerning doctoral theses
  • English (B2) – course VCJ/PGAJ
  • 1month research internship abroad
  • the first author of an article in impact journal
  • presentation on conference abroad

Compulsory-elective courses (only four of these) (40 credits)

  • Time-space Data Analysis
  • Advanced Earth Remote Sensing Methods
  • Environmental Geoinformatics
  • Geovisualization and Digital Cartography
  • Cartographic visualization and its cognitive aspects
  • Mathematical Background of Maps
  • Metainformation in Geoinformatics
  • Modeling of Hydrological Processes
  • Modelling of Regional and Urban Systems
  • Modern Statistical Methods in Geoinform.
  • Object-Oriented Technology
  • Programming for GIS
  • Advanced Methods for Spatial Data Proc.
  • Planning and Designing of Geoinformation
  • Spatial Decision Making Support Systems
  • Precision Forestry
  • Development of Software Tools for Open-source GIS

More information about courses

Publication activities

  • The main author of publication with IF  
  • Co-authored publication in a journal with IF
  • Other publication in a peer-reviewed journal
  • The main author of peer-reviewed journal  
  • Presentations at the conferences (poster)

Activity modules

  • Project activities
  • Oral presentation at the International Conference
  • Teaching at the Palacky University Olomouc
  • Management of Bachelor Theses
  • Review of Bachelor Theses
  • The seminary at the Palacky University Olomouc
  • The popularization activities at the Palacky University Olomouc

State examination

  • Final State Examination
  • Defence of the PhD thesis